Friday, April 22, 2011

Boys Beat Kartini's Day

For all Indonesian women, SELAMAT HARI KARTINI! Okay, today I've heard and read lots of stories about the spirit of Kartini, inspired women, or even about kebaya, Indonesia's traditional clothing for women. Enough for it. Let's make something different!

Now I live with my 15 friends in a big home. Nine girls, 7 boys, 7 bedrooms, and 4 bathroom. Girls handle all of the kitchen things, from shopping in market, cooking, serve coffee in the morning, to wash the dishes (it's my job!). But because today is Kartini's Day, the girls decide that the boys had to do something to pamper all of us: COOKING FOR DINNER!

Victims: Dika, Anjun, and Paink. Yeah, they were only 3 of because the other 4 returned to Makassar for the long weekend. They finally act in the kitchen, cooking for our dinner. Here are their performance:

Dhika beats tempe
Paink serves sambals

Anjun hadles vegetables
And the result is... Guess what? It was SO DELICIOUS! I didn't think that they could served the food, although everything was very simple. At least the sambal was very tasty because Paink served it very spicy as I'm a robust chili eater. And I've got the bonus: Cheese Fried Banana served by Paink. He'd fulfilled my request. Yes, girls felt like queens!

Thanks a lot, boys! You did it. Four thumbs up from me!

Well maybe it was quite riddiculous, but it was still deserved to be appreciated.
Happy Kartini's Day! ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahahah ;D yeah that day is a boys DAY :)

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