Sunday, May 15, 2011

And One More Has Died

Things come, things go, things changed. We won’t know what will happen, what will be God’s plan.

And I don’t know what God's plan for my family. For two months I’m in Sorowako there’re already three of my family has died. First, my grandfather. Second, my aunt's father. And third, today, my uncle who lives in Bandung. We’re not so close, he’s a commanding person, and it makes me a bit reluctant to talk much with him. The news that he died was really shocked me, because I think he’s a healthy person because he just came to Makassar when my grandfather died last month to attended the funeral. But today he followed my grandfather, he died.

And for the third time I also can’t be with them. Today all my family go Bandung to attend the funeral tomorrow. When I was in the wedding party tonight my mother called and told this bad news and said she was on the way to the airport to depart to Bandung. My family in Batam, Jakarta, and Gorontalo also will arrive in Bandung at the latest tomorrow.

And what about me? I'm still here, with my own life and bustle. I’m not the type of person who likes to spend time with my family, I would rather enjoy my own life. But for now, for some reason I really wanted to join them all in Bandung. Either because I miss them all, either because I want to meet my friends there, either because well, I really miss Bandung actually. I just want to be there.

And hopefully his soul could be rest in peace there. Hopefully, my aunt, my cousins Nuni and Kiky, all my family can be strong to face this destiny.

And suddenly I thought, why my family dead one by one? I wonder what God's plans after this? Will one of my family die again? Or whether, after this it will be my turn to die?

And this is why I miss Bandung. I miss my family. I miss being home.

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