Monday, July 11, 2011

They Travel, I Trapped

Dan mereka semua sibuk traveling, menikmati liburan masing-masing.

Nupy ngabisin liburan di Johor, ke tempat mamanya yang lagi kuliah S3 di sana.
Abang Glendi lagi trip keliling Jawa dan Sumatra, touring bareng gank motornya.
Kak Akku abis dari Samalona, dan sekarang lagi prepare mau diving di Kepulauan Pangkajene.
Kak Mei udah ke Toraja dan Bira, liburan bareng sesama CSers, Daniela dari Swiss dan Pako dari Spanyol.
Nuni lagi kerja sih di Wetar, ah but you know wherever she is, she always calls it ‘traveling’.
Mama dan Meli baru aja balik ke Makassar. Kemana saja mereka traveling selama ini saya belum tau, belum dengar cerita lengkap dari mereka.

Tapi coba kita dengar cerita ‘anak gunung’! Setelah Gunung Semeru, Gunung Rinjani, dan Kepulauan Karimunjawa, dia bakal mendaki Gunung Arjuna, meninggalkan saya selama seminggu. Tanpa sinyal, tanpa kabar, dan dengan setumpuk rasa kangen yang sudah ditahan dari kemarin-kemarin.

Dan di sinilah saya, bumi nikel Sorowako, masih berkutat dengan proyek, Excel, dan berat badan saya yang terus bertambah. Ah, betapa kangennya saya dengan masa-masa trip selama liburan, tiduran di dek kapal dibuai semilir angin laut, kecapean memikul backpack saya yang kadang kelebihan muatan karena oleh-oleh, bahkan tersesat di sebuah kota di negara asing yang pada akhirnya memaksa saya menggunakan Bahasa Inggris super pas-pasan demi mencari warung makan halal dan theme park dimana saya bisa memuaskan hobi saya sejak kecil, naik roller coaster.

Kasihan backpack dan Lonely Planet Indonesia saya harus nganggur liburan kali ini. Tidak ada roller coaster baru yang saya taklukkan. Koleksi foto saya di depan Bank Indonesia juga tidak bertambah kali ini. Yah, uang saya tambah banyak, tapi tidak untuk pengalaman dan track saya di jalan.
And hello you, you whose I mention your name above, all of you. Shall we meet and travel together? Or would you please come and escape me from this place?

I’m trapped. Please give me more time for travel.
I miss it.

Even Kaskus Thinks I'm An Ambonese

Guess what? I’m in Kaskus today!

As we know, Kaskus is the largest Indonesian community site, but very rarely visit that. Until my friend Veli told me that she found my pic in one of it page!

That pic was took when I was attended my aunt’s wedding party, at my around 16 years old, I guess. How the creator find that pic, I think from my friendster (so oldish, huh?). Oh well, am I used to make my face up like that? And am I really look like that? With too much ethnic in my blood I think I can’t choose which one is the most prominent visible, even Ambonese. So what do you think about?

At least they think I’m pure Indonesian, after all.

Thursday, July 7, 2011


Why counting from one, when everything will return to none?
Why do we tango in two, when it cause you nothing but blue?
Why can’t we make us three, when asylum won’t catch us free?
Why bother gather in four, when we don’t have dreams to live for?
Why launching in five, when there’s no such thing as after life?


Why asking whys, when you won’t be around showing the beauty of lies?

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Best of Sorowako

Working in Sorowako is so fun, especially for me who like sea, hills, everything natural, everything close to nature. I like the way I spend my time in here, especially on weekend. Spending morning at Matano Lake - the fifth-deepest lake in the world – with swimming, paddling kayak, do wind surfing, or just looking around. Or riding my bicycle around the town in the afternoon, try paddling on the rise then glide smoothly to downhill while pass the houses which made from wood, let the wind blow my hair. Quite dangerous think my friend, but really spur my adrenaline.

To get here, we spend 12 hours by land from Makassar, only night bus available. This is the first time I’m being here, and also the worst journey I’ve ever had, I think. Imagine, 12 hours traverse winding road from 7 PM to 7 AM nonstop, well it’s really torturing my head, I can’t sleep all night long. Even in the morning when I arrive I feel like I can’t feel myself anymore, all I need is only find a bed immediately where I can lie down, sleep, and found my head back. I prefer go to Batam Island from Singapore by ferry, even the wave is so wild, at least it spend 1 hour only.
But guess what I find after, paradise! From sea, lake, mountains, hills, waterfall, even the mine. Everything’s great, everything’s in here, all of them. And this is my most favorite part, sit at the corner of pier, watch bright afternoon sky share the horizon with rainbow across the Verbeek mountain, the world’s nickel resources, and kids jumping into the blue lake. It always, always, and ALWAYS be the best, the perfect horizon that I’ll be missing when I back to home later.

And nothing beats it! Even if you would rather to see view from height, you still can find it. Try to go Poci, only one hour trekking and you can see the whole Sorowako from that hill. Choose your favorite moment, morning to capture the moment when plane take off and penetrate the morning mist, or afternoon and see how lights illuminating the town. All of them, enhanced with Vale Inco, the second-biggest nickel mining company in the world, Indonesia’s heart of economic. This is how sea meets hills, and nature meets technology.

Sorowako day and night

See? How God works in details, and people harmonize it in modern way.
Enchanting Sorowako!

Monday, July 4, 2011


aku ingin mengukir namamu di balik lemari,
lalu pintunya kututup rapat dan kukunci.
tapi untuk apa?
seakan kau masih peduli saja.

rasanya kawan,
seperti dicabik secara membabi buta,
tiap mili kulitku dapat merasakan pedihnya.
rasanya sungguh menyedihkan,
seperti terjatuh ke lubang jebakan yang sama,
lubang yang seharusnya sudah lama disingkirkan.
aku bodoh.
aku buta dan tuli.
aku tidak bisa merasakan apa apa.
tapi aku tidak hampa.

paling tidak, sekarang aku mengerti.
tidakkah kamu sadari, aku memakai kacamata untuk melihat kamu dengan lebih jelas.
menelanjangi sampai ke dasar hatimu agar aku tahu bagaimana harus bersikap.

aku ingin mengukir namamu sayang,
tapi bukan lagi di balik lemari berkunci.
aku ingin menulisnya di atas pasir,
agar kapanpun aku mau namamu bisa tersingkir.

mulai detik ini aku tidak akan menulis nama siapapun lagi.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Mari Bergundah Gulali Part 2

Why aren’t you texting the last person you kissed?
Because we’re in different place now and we’re too busy do our own activity.

What are you going to do later?
I don’t know. Maybe watch a movie or make a cam conversation.

Are you in a relationship with the last person you kissed?
No. Not yet.

Are you in love?
Yes. Really I am.

Did the last person you kiss have tattoos?

Could you name everyone you have kissed this year?
Should I?

Are you drunk?
I’m trying to stop.

Ever get hurt by someone who promised they wouldn’t?
Hasn’t everyone?

Would you ever get a tattoo?
I wish but I couldn’t!

How many piercings do you have?
Just on ears.

Do you remember the first time you kissed the last person you kissed?
Ah yes, a sudden kiss.

Have you ever had a best friend of the opposite sex?

Are you one of those people who hate crying in front of others?

Have any interesting conversations lately?
Is there more interesting than about traveling for me?

How many people do you completely trust?

Do you still talk to the person you fell the hardest for?
I don’t know who that is. Looking back all of my feelings have seemed false.

Which movie did you last see in theaters?
I’ve been to cinema 5 months ago and I already forget what movie it is.

If you could go back in time and change things, would you?
Of course.

Who has the last person of the opposite sex you had a conversation with?

Is there someone who you can spend every minute with and be happy?
Yes. Too bad he so far away from me.

Who last told you they loved you?
H****, surely. No one else does.

Do you like to cuddle?
Favorite thing in the world! More than kiss!

Does someone like you right now?
Biggest joke.

Are you a risk taker?
Mostly, depends on what mood I’m in.

If the year consisted of only one season, which would you choose?

Have you ever woken up next to someone and were freaked out?

Do you have a bad temper?
Ah, depends on who you are and what you do to me.

Do you miss someone?
I do. Very much.

How do you feel about your hair?
I want make it bald.

Do you drink coffee?
Too much.

Do you find piercings attractive?
Tattoo’s more interesting.

When is your birthday?
September 21st. World peace day.

Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you?

Are you mad at your best friend?

Is this year the best of your life?
Yeah, this is it! But next year will be better, I swear.

Ever harmed yourself?
When I was weak, not anymore.

If so, why? If not, would you ever?
Because I was weak. I’d never do it again.

What’s your current problem?
I dream too much for my life. I’m afraid I can’t make them real.

Friday, July 1, 2011

3 Days Before Go Live

Shout out corner behind my desk - my fave spot!

Go Live is getting closer. Three days later, and SAP will be launch. Everyone become busier, everybody prepare for it. All we do is for succeed the project, for better corporate performance in the future. Let’s see what will happen next, but I hope all our effort will paid off.
Wish luck for next Monday, for Go Live!